Province 1 Grants
In 2012, the Executive Committee decided to shift from funding named networks to offering Sowing Seeds of Mission grants to Province I members for mission-oriented projects or programs. In addition to supporting established groups at the level they truly needed, the hope was to help launch initiative by emerging communities of practice with members in two or more dioceses. Over sixty grants have been awarded since the grant program was established.
This year, the Province is offering at least five grants with a maximum award of $4,000 over the course of 2025.

2025 Province 1 Grants
Sowing Seeds of Mission
(Ministry Network Grant)
This grant is for ministry networks in Province 1. A provincial ministry network is a group of Episcopalians (and communion partners), lay or ordained, from two or more of the seven dioceses in New England engaged in joint mission. The bishops of all dioceses involved must be aware of the network and the grant application.
Networks can be new or continuing from previous years, and the projects being funded can be new efforts or a repeat of a previous event. Each ministry network should limit itself to one grant per year. If funds allow in a given year second applications will be considered at the discretion of the provincial Executive Committee. Grants will be disbursed via reimbursement and a report at the end of the project (or end of the granting year) should be submitted to the Provincial coordinator for publication to the Province. The award limit for these grants is $4,000.

Grant Process and Application
Proposals are accepted throughout the year until funds are exhausted and are reviewed during the monthly Executive Committee Meeting.
We anticipate that most projects/programs will occur within the fiscal year. Applications are reviewed for clarity of mission, comprehensiveness of plan, stewardship of resources, development of sustainable networks for future collaboration, and likelihood of success. To apply, download the application in Word (.docx). Then, email your completed file to the Province 1 Coordinator at