What happens when churches rediscover Zoom? How can it add to your church community? In our next Conversation with Noted Speakers, hear how zoom has changed adult formation and how it has created communities that never existed before. Join the Province 1 Formation Network on Wednesday, November 15 at 7 p.m. Eastern over Zoom. Sign up at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkcOyhpjwoHNSQbb7iRLKiET0rxpd5DhTt

 Until her retirement last year, Celeste Hemingson specialized in interim ministry, serving 8 New Hampshire churches as Interim Rector. She now leads an online lectionary Bible study for laypersons. If you would like to join the Bible study, send her an email at celeste340@aol.com.

Paul D. Peterson has worked with Anselm Academic Publishers for many years on college religion textbooks.

The Rev. Jason Wells is the rector of St. Matthew’s Goffstown NH and the previous head of The NH Council of Churches.

Linnae Peterson has been a faith formation leader and educator for decades, most recently teaching at the Stevenson School of Ministry sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania.